President’s Message

As I enter the last year of my term as President of LACAAEA, I recognize that our association has never been more relevant, important and needed for the employees of Los Angeles County. There are abundant opportunities for us to learn, teach, mentor, advocate, brainstorm and give back to our communities. LACAAEA provides our members with a variety of platforms to meet, network and build their skills by volunteering to lead projects and programs.
Although, I am very proud of our successes and growth over these last two years, particularly in the areas of providing more professional development workshops, homeowners fairs, pre-retirement resources and meaningful engagement. Our north star for 2024, is “Catching the Fire….Leveling Up.” This year, we will continue these initiatives, as well as adding programming designed for the different stages of our members careers, virtual programming, and events will be held in collaboration with other like minded organizations. I encourage everyone to get involve!
I want to personally thank our executive advisors, executive board and members for your continued support and participation. It is because of you that we are helping build a better County of Los Angeles for those that come behind us. As we continue to Elevate, Educate, and Empower, I wish you all success, wellness, peace and love.
Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Coming Soon.
Our Mission
The Los Angeles County African-American Employee Association (LACAAEA) is an employee professional development organization which exists primarily to serve and support the professional development needs of African-American employees of the County of Los Angeles, to support the communities served by LACAAEA members, and to discourage bias through the thoughtful elevation of African-American culture.
Our Philosophy
The LACAAEA understands its role in supporting the vital work of the County of Los Angeles. LACAAEA members can be found in virtually all Departments within the County and at all levels. We believe that professional development is key to advancement within the County ranks. Professional development also provides opportunities to enhance the skills of County staff to better serve those children, families and communities that rely on County services. Given that people generally do not exist in social isolation, we also believe that supporting the development or maintenance of vibrant, strong, and resilient communities should be the goal of government and therefore the LACAAEA. Finally, we believe that sharing our cultural heritage and learning about other cultures should serve as a inflection point and create space to reflect, dialogue and begin to address those complex social societal issues (i.e. racial bias, lack of economic opportunity, social injustice) that tend to divide us rather than unite us.
Our Board
Elected Officers

DeLlora Ellis-Gant
Aging & Disabilities Department
Vice President

Tara Parham
Child Support Services Department
2nd Vice President

Tina Robinson, CSSD
Child Support Services Department

McKandy Leger
Human Resources Department
Recording Secretary

Arena Turner
Department of Children and Family Services
Correspondence Secretary

Jasmine Anderson

Daryl Burnett
Department of Public Social Services
Committee Chairs
Finance Committee

Professional Development
Committee Chair

Child Support Services Department
Membership Committee

Registrar-Recorder County Clerk
Scholarship Committee

Department of Children and Family Services
Social Impact and Community Support Committee Chair

The Social Impact and Community Support (SICS) Committee serves to support community-oriented activities/events reflecting LACAAEA’s commitment to supporting vulnerable communities and LACAAEA’s overall philosophy. The SICS Committee works collaboratively to maximize impact and empower communities throughout the County of Los Angeles. The SICS Committee plans and organizes the LACAAEA’s Annual Gala and Fundraiser.
Brand Management & Digital
Communications Committee Chair

Departmental Representative
Committee Chair

Child Support Services Department
This committee is comprised of employees representing various County departments. Each member of this committee shall: assist with recruitment effort in his/her department; share information about LACAAEA in his/her department; and inform LACAAEA about departmental training needs in his/her department.

The Retirees Committee provides membership engagement experiences for LACAAEA members who retire from the County of Los Angeles. It also manages the Association’s member relations program, LACAAEA CAREs
Men’s Network and Leadership

Youth Development Department
Description coming soon.
Executive Advisors

James Blunt

Cynthia McCoy-Miller

Yolanda DeRamus

Terrie Hardy
Our History
In 2001 a group of forward thinking Los Angeles County Employees formed a committee to host an annual Black History Month Celebration event – the committee came to be known as The African American Heritage Celebration Committee. The inaugural celebration was held in February of 2003 and was moved from the mall area of the Hall of Administration to the Board room due to unexpected inclement weather.
In 2009, the committee disbanded and the Los Angeles County African American Employee Association was established. Since that time, the LACAAEA Board has strived to ensure that LACAAEA remains a source of professional development support for its members, a source of academic support for systems-involved youth, and a partner to the communities served by the County of Los Angeles.
The LACAAEA has evolved from a small organization guided by a small group of dedicated employees into a dynamic, rapidly growing organization seeking to broaden its collective impact on its members and the communities served by the County.
Past Presidents

Department of Human Resources
President 2019 – 2021
When I assumed the office of the presidency in 2019, some of the challenges facing the Association included the need to continue the awareness campaign of the Association within various County Departments; and the need to develop policies and procedures that would allow the Association to operate seamlessly. During my tenure, I am particularly proud of the following accomplishments, among others:
- First elected female President of the Association
- Increased membership to over 1,000 members, thus meeting the County’s Auditor-Controller (A/C) requirement and allowing the A/C to assign the Association its own payroll deduction slot
- Created the Ethics Code of Conduct for the Executive Board
- Created the Association’s first Policy and Procedures Manual
- Oversaw the rebranding of the association that included a new Association logo, and a revamped website
- Increased the Association’s use of social media
- Oversaw the development of the Association’s first Strategic Plan
- Expanded the number of Committees to better serve our members and the Community
- Successfully built strong working relationships with the five Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
- Oversaw the creation of the Annual Gala Fundraiser event

Department of Public Social Services
President 2016 – 2018
During my tenure as president, I worked with a dedicated and enthusiastic Board. It is because of this Board that the LACAAEA was able to offer many professional services and events for both our members and the communities we serve. In reflecting on some of my accomplishments as president, I am particularly proud of the following:
- Substantially bolstering our membership by nearly eight-hundred percent;
- Appointing uniquely talented and productive Committee Chairs and Departmental Representatives, who helped enhance our level of professionalism; and
- Establishing the Executive Advisory Board, consisting of accomplished senior and executive managers who have been instrumental to the LACAAEA’s growth.

Department of Public Social Services
Interim President, 2009
President, 2010 – 2015
In January 2009, when I assumed the Interim President position, the critical challenge facing the Association was establishing a structure upon which to operate. In January 2010 when I was elected the first President of the Association, the challenges I faced included increasing membership and establishing a steady source of revenue. My vision was to increase the awareness of the Association in all County departments and be able to have membership that includes as many employees as possible from across Los Angeles County departments. My accomplishments that I am most proud of, among others, are:
- Establishing the Association’s Bylaws in 2009
- Establishing the Association as an IRS-designated 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit in 2011
- Establishing the Association as a Registered Employee Organization of Los Angeles County in 2012
- Establishing the ability to collect membership due through payroll deduction in 2015